Who we are
BSIO Executive Committee
BSIO (British Society for Integrative Oncology) is the leading professional organisation for integrative oncology in the UK.
Our goal is to promote the integration of conventional, psychological, nutritional, lifestyle and complementary medicine in cancer care.
BSIO aims to improve cancer care by supporting healthcare professionals through:
facilitating interdisciplinary communication and collaboration
providing educational resources with up-to-date evidence to support good clinical practice in integrative oncology and
promoting research needed for effective integrative care
Our vision is that evidence-based, comprehensive, integrative healthcare should be readily accessible to anyone affected by cancer in the UK.
BSIO was founded in 2011 as an initiative launched by Robin Daly, the founder and chairman of the UK Charity Yes to Life.
BSIO Co-Chairs
Dr Penny Kechagioglou MBBS, MRCP, FRCR, MPH, DBA (BSIO Co-Chair 2021-2023)
Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel MB BChir MA Hons (Cantab) FBANT FRSA IFMCP DipIM PG Cert DipION RYT300 (BSIO Co-Chair 2021-2023)
Dr Caroline Hoffman OAM, PhD, RN, BSW
Dr Catherine Zollman MRCP, MRCGP, Fellowship in Integrative Medicine
Robin Daly Patient Representative
Dr Jacqui Stringer PhD, RGN, BSc Hons Psych, MIFPA, Winston Churchill Fellow
Prof Robert Thomas MRCP (UK), MD, FRCR
Dr Elizabeth Thompson CEO of NCIM (National Centre for Integrative Medicine)